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Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


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The Ministry of Economy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

The Ministry of Economy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was established on March 13, 1997.
1. The Ministry of Economy is the republican executive body pursuing and administering a state economic policy; administering financial, budgetary, taxation and price policy, investments, privatization, foreign economic activity and trade, employment policy, social security and statistical information.
2. The Ministry of Economy follows the Constitution, laws of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and statutes of the President and Supreme Soviet of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. It provides observance of economic interests of the state, rights and legal interests of organizations and citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

2. Main objectives of the Ministry of Economy

3. With a view to pursue a common state economic policy the Ministry of Economy performs the following tasks:

a) in the field of macroeconomics and reformation of the economy: making analysis and prognoses of the social and economic development of the economy and macroeconomic rates of the republican economy;
b) in the field of financial, budgetary and taxation policy: analysis of the efficiency of the taxation system; defining main objectives of the budgetary and taxation policy, including taxation and budgetary reforms; improving legal and methodological basis in this field; elaboration and improvement of the methodology of accounting;
c) in the field of a price policy: improving methods of price and tariff control; marketing in the republic and partner-states with a view to make favourable conditions for minimizing expenditure of the Republican and local budgets
d) in the field of investment policy and privatization: defining priorities and guidelines of investment; elaboration and implementation of a state policy on privatization of state-owned entities; elaboration and improvement of a legal basis on foreign and home investments, the capital market, privatization and commercial valuation of state-owned entities;
e) in the field of foreign economic activity and trade: drawing up guidelines of state control over foreign economic activity and trade; anti-monopoly control over entities engaged in economic activity; making favourable conditions for development of foreign economic relationships in the field of trading, labour market, business and entrepreneurship, exchange of information;
f) in the field of employment and social security of the population: pursuing a state policy in social and employment sphere, implementation of territorial programmes of employment, control over labour market and salaries; elaboration of a legal basis in this field;
g) control over statistics: gathering, manipulation, generalization and analysis of statistical information on social and economic life of the republic and its administrative units;
h) rendering methodological and practical assistance to ministries, departments and entities engaged in economic activity; coordination of their activity on implementation of a common state economic policy.

3. Main functions of the Ministry of Economy

5. In the field of macroeconomics and reformation of the economy:
a) drawing up guidelines of social and economic reforms in the republic using the world experience with a view to form the highly efficient and socially-oriented economy;
b) analysis of the state of the economy;
c) elaboration and improvement of the methodology of the macroeconomic analysis and forecasting;
d) complex analysis of the state of the economy at a macro level;
e) quarterly analytical report on the current state of the economy, analysis and rating of the economic situation;
f) administering elaboration and implementation of state programmes in the field of reformation and development of branches of the economy;
g) analysis of economic reforms
h) drawing up recommendations on defining priorities in the development and reformation of the industry, construction, transport, communications and agriculture;
i) elaboration and improvement of a legal basis on valuation of state-owned entities, organization of commissions on commercial valuation of state-owned entities, examining resolutions on rateable value of entities.
6. In the field of financial, budgetary and taxation policy:
a) drawing up guidelines of a financial policy and state economic programmes, including programmes on financial stabilization;
b) analysis of the current financial situation and drawing up guidelines of budgetary and taxation policy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
c) fixing taxes in all branches of the economy;
d) analysis of execution of the Republican budget, economic substantiation of revenue and expenditure of the State Budget, influence of taxation on the budget revenue, expediency of the budget expenditure;
e) examining and making decisions on the draft Republican budget;
f) making decisions on guidelines of the monetary-credit policy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, making suggestions for the improvement of money circulation;
g) elaboration of the methodology, draft laws and statutes regulating the republican financial system;
h) brining accounting system into the line with international standards;
i) drawing up standards, plans of accounts, directions, methodological recommendations on accounting;
j) conducting seminars with specialists of ministries, departments and organizations.

7. In the field of a price and tariff policy:
a) pursuing common price policy;
b) control over fixing and application of prices, tariffs, extra fares, discounts in the republican economy, coordination of activity of ministries, departments, local administrations and executive bodies on pricing and control over keeping the fixed level of prices;
c) studying and generalizing the practice of fixing prices, tariffs, extra fares, extra charges, discounts by ministries, departments, local administrations of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic , enterprises and organizations located in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
d) confirmation, coordination and registration of prices, tariffs on goods and services in accordance with the official list;
e) analysis of market and prices with a view to minimize the expenditure of the Republican and local budgets; economic (price) examination of contracts on bulk purchase at the expense of the Republican Budgets, grants from the Republican budget to local budgets.

8. In the field of investment and privatization:
a) pursuing and coordinating state economic policy in the field of investment and privatization, drawing up guidelines and priorities of the state investment policy;
b) taking measures for stimulating investment activity, examining the demand for investments and involving foreign investors into privatization;
c) making an examination of investment projects, business-plans, regulations and constituent documents of organizations for the purpose of their economic expediency, also credit contracts with the object of giving foreign loans to the entities engaged in economic activity;
d) elaboration and presentation of state programmes on privatization, capital investment, draft prognoses and plans of capital development;
e) providing establishment and functioning of funds of economic and social development of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, presenting standard acts, including investment programmes for financing the funds;
f) rendering methodological assistance to ministries, departments and organizations in the field of investment and privatization of state-owned entities;
g) drawing up guidelines for development of the capital market, coordination of activity of executive bodies on regulation of the capital market, elaboration of methodological recommendations on application of the legislation concerning securities;
h) keeping the official list of securities, including bills, the list of professional competitors, licences, qualification certificates giving the right to securities business, control and analysis of accounts of organizations and enterprises involved in the capital market;
i) drawing up standards, order and compulsory requirements to securities business, distribution and circulation, accounting and requirements to organizations and persons engaged in the securities business

9. In the field of foreign economic activity and trading:
a) elaboration and implementation of a state programme (conception) of developing foreign business ties of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, main principles and mechanisms of conducting a foreign economic policy;
b) elaboration and improvement of draft laws and acts in the field of foreign economic activity and trading;
c) formation and improvement of a legal basis, including contracts in inter-state and inter-regional business relations and investments, keeping the list of agreements and contracts;
d) participation in making examination and control over business contracts of pridnestrovian entities engaged in economic activity with foreign countries;
e) fixing export and import quotes in the field of trading with foreign states;
f) organization and coordination of repatriation of goods and currency by means of the inter-departmental commission ;
g) analysis of the trade turnover of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and making prognoses in this field;
h) elaboration and improvement of a standard basis, control over the oil market fixing rules and standards in this field;
i) introduction of international standards in trading, implementation of the programmes “Tasis”, “Pre-unloading control”, etc within the republic, influence of the WTO on foreign economic activity of the republic;
j) organization and coordination of centralized bulk purchase through the interdepartmental commission, marketing and economic examination of contracts concluded by organizations of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and financed at the expense of the Republican budget and credits;
k) implementation of an anti-monopolistic policy and promotion of the competition according to the legislation;
l) exchange control of foreign economic activity of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
m) control over observance of the law of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic “On licensing some kinds of activity” that is within the competence of the Ministry of economy;
n) elaboration and implementation of a legal basis in the field of small business and entrepreneurship.
10. In the field of statistics:
a) drawing up programmes on reforming statistics;
b) drawing up and improving the legal basis, system of statistic rates, official statistic methodology for making statistic observations, providing conformity of the official statistic methodology to international statistic standards;
c) coordination and control over activity of ministries and departments in the field of statistics;
d) providing statistical information, registration, population census and sample data, manipulation of data according to the official statistical methodology;
e) presenting data to international organizations in accordance with international agreements of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, exchange of statistical information with foreign statistical departments;
f) providing juridical persons, their representatives and branches with blanks and instructions necessary for conducting state statistical observations;
g) issuing information bulletins, express-information, analytical notes, press-releases, reports “On social and economic situation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”, a statistical annual.
11. In the field of employment and social security:
a) analysis and control over the labour market, taking measures for keeping and establishing new places of work;
b) organization of functioning of Employment centres on career advice, guidance and training of the unemployed;
c) elaboration of the mechanism of implementing the law of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic “On employment”: paying unemployment benefits, scholarships, rendering financial aid, organizing and financing paid public works for the unemployed;
d) drawing up the draft budget of the State fund of employment;
e) providing a uniform application of the legislation on the employment, control over the implementation of the legislation by organizations;

f) elaboration of procedure for concluding general, territorial and branch agreements between the executive bodies, trade unions and employers; control over the implementation of agreements;
g) elaboration of recommendations on concluding labour contracts and also leases on enterprises, settling labour disputes;
h) elaboration of methods for calculating a living wage, consumers’ budget, standards of living;
i) a monthly analysis of dynamics of prices for foodstuffs included in the living wage and consumers’ budget; analysis of amount of salaries and standards of living;
j) drawing up recommendations on forms and systems of remuneration of labour;
k) formation and improvement of a legal basis in the field of regulation of labour relations and employment of the population.
12. Extra functions:
a) rendering methodical, analytical, informative assistance to ministries, departments in the field of economic reforms;
b) control over observance of the legislation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in financial and economic activity, rational use of public means and property;
c) rendering methodical and practical aid to ministries, departments, entities engaged in economic activity and entrepreneurs in the field of financial, budgetary, taxation, price and investment policies, privatization and foreign economic activity;
d) participation in inter-departmental commissions;
e) making examination of papers necessary for getting licences in all kinds of activity according to the legislation and within the competence of the Ministry;
f) direction of work with papers through the computer network in all units of the Ministry.

Structure of the Ministry of Economy

I. Secretariat.
II. Public service of analysis and planning reforms
1. The board of the strategy and tactics of reformation
2. The board of the macroeconomic analysis and forecasting
3. The board of valuation and financial examination
III. Public service of the social policy and labour force.
The board of regulation of social and labour relations
IV. Public service of the economic policy
1. The board of the methodology of accounting
2. The board of the taxation and budgetary policy
3. The board of the price and tariff policy
V. Public service of foreign economic relations, investment policy and trade
1. The board of foreign economic relations, trade and enterprise
2. The board of the capital market
3. The board of anti-monopolistic activity, bulk purchase and privatization
4. The board of the investment policy and privatization
VI. The board of programming and software
VII. The financial and economic board
VIII. The action board
IX. The administrative board
X. Public service of statistics
1. The board of macroeconomic, financial and summary statistics
2. The board of production and capital development
3. The department of labour, demographic and social statistics
4. The department of price statistics and budgetary researches
5. The board of trade, services, transport and communications statistics
6. The board of the population census
XI. Local boards of statistics.

Address: Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Tiraspol, Sverdlov Street, 57
Phone (fax): +373 (533) 36366