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President of the Pridnestrovian
Moldavian Republic

Today monday, 10 march

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Президент Приднестровья

Pridnestrovie Foreign Minister will sign new deals only if Moldova will keep them

If Moldova can't keep its earlier signed agreement then there is no point in signing any new ones. That is the opinion of Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister,…


OSCE-head in Tiraspol for talks with Transdniestria"s President, Foreign Minister

OSCE chairman-in-office Ilkka Kanerva visited Transdniestria on Thursday for official talks with the unrecognized country's government. In Tiraspol, he met with President Igor Smirnov, Foreign Minister…


Президент Приднестровья

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The Ministry of natural resources and ecological control of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

The Board of protection of natural resources and environment was established according to Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Social Republic on March, 5, 1991. Later it was reformed into the State Committee of Ecology (1992), then- into the State Committee of Ecology and Natural Resources (1997). On September,25, 2000, the State Committee was reorganized into the Ministry of natural resources and ecological control according to the President Decree#452.
The Ministry of natural resources and ecological control is a diversified institution which combines branches of natural resources with the state ecological control.
The main goals of the Ministry of natural resources and ecological control:
- elaboration and realisation of the state policy in the field of formation and protection of the favourable environment, protection and rational use of natural resources, providing of the ecological security, including the rights of the citizens for the ecological security and for accessible information about the ecological environment conditions;
- elaboration, determination and realization of standards and rules concerning the use of natural resources and environment protection, the rational, sensible use of all natural resources of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
- conducting of the ecological, economical and cadastral valuation, making up of an inventory, accounting of all natural resources ( depths, soil, forests and forest plantations, water resources and others) with the aim of formation of natural resources fund of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and their following including in the number of material funds of the state;
- development of Ecology, spreading scientific technologies of environment protection;
- organization and realization of the state ecological examination the state control of environment protection, the use of natural resources and observance of ecological security standards;
- organisation of the protected forest areas, establishment of the Red Book of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
- realisation of the state policy concerning propaganda of ecological knowledge and culture of the citizens of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
- participation in the international activity in the field of environment protection and rational use of natural resources.

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